Providing assessments to understand preferences & behaviors.

Assessments can be for:
- Coaching
- Determining learning needs
- Teambuilding
- Leadership development
- Conflict management
- Recruitment Selection
The Assessments we us include:
Human Patterns
The Human Dynamics is one of a group of select companies worldwide who are certified to administer the Human Patterns Personality Inventory®. Human Patterns is a web-administered instrument that generates a comprehensive graphic and numerical data in a user-friendly format. Human Patterns graphs are clustered into four groups and indicate how an individual will shift or change preferences and/or interests under pressure. Human Patterns® is available in English, French and Mandarin Chinese.
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence assessments are given to monitor social intelligence. They incorporate: self awareness, managing emotions, motivating oneself, performance in groups and interpersonal competence. The value of this assessments comes from compelling research that indicates having a high level of emotional quotient is twice as important as Intelligent Quotient when it comes to reaching outstanding performance. For more on Emotional Intelligence.
Harrison Assessments
The HA behavioral profile is an assessment that includes all the factors that impact on productivity, in a single holistic assessment taking only 30 minutes to complete on-line. Measuring 270 Traits, using the unique Paradox Analysis (TM) to identify unconscious tendencies, it is validated to the highest academic standards and is consistently found to deliver 80% – 95% predictive accuracy in predicting future performance of an individual in a job role. HA reports are produced in natural language and in easily readable graphical format, and are designed to be used with no special training requirement. Their uses include recruitment shortlisting, selection, interviewing, motivation, promotion, coaching, teambuilding, and even counseling, and have a measurable impact on reducing costs, increasing productivity and staff retention. For more information about the Harrison Assessments instrument.
Myers Briggs Type Indicator
The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a self-report questionnaire instrument which identifies 16 different personality types. Each type has 4 letter slots, describing an individual’s preference and tendencies for developing and demonstrating specific patterns of behavior. This instrument is used to explain temperaments that affect behaviors which create actions.
DiSC® Dimensions of Behavior examines behavioral issues as they relate to a person’s perception of their environment. This instrument identifies and helps people dealing with communication and relationship issues. It lets you know how people will react and relate to tasks, other people and circumstances.