Making use of years of international experience

Human Dynamics was formed in 1988 to improve organizational effectiveness. We work globally and our business is based on current best practices in the field. In addition we draw upon our extensive experience in organizational psychology and change management, to provide high quality services to executives, senior leaders and employees.
Human Dynamics is proud of the work it does.
Others have recognized our efforts and awarded us with:
"Working Woman" Entrepreneurial Excellence Award for Customer/Client Service, and "Business Leader" Impact 100 Award.
"MacArthur Genius Award" team award, in recognition of exemplary programs, events and support of over 30 NGO’s from around the world in becoming more facilitative, collaborative and effective.
Southeast Facilitator's Association "Facilitator of the Year" awarded to Eileen Dowse Ph.D.
Impact 100 Award, "Business Leader" recognizing outstanding citizens for their hard work and contributions.
"Bronze Quill Award" International Association of Business Communication For excellence in business communication.