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Your ABL Competency Profile

The purpose of this survey is to help you assess your current level of skill as measured against the highest performing leaders in the world. This is how the Agile Business Leader model was developed

Today’s best leaders are being asked to develop skills to ensure they provide value for the organization at the individual, team and corporate levels. These skills are seen as the key to staying ahead of shifting industry conditions and marketplace. Taking an Agile Business Leader (ABL)approach to development means a person values the importance of human interaction, and collaboration and knows that communication and sharing of ideas and practices is what makes organizations stronger and helps contribute to their success demands.

Each of the statements below relates to a specific ABL role.  After reading the statement, circle the number to the right of the statement that best represents your response, (where 1 represents ‘rarely’ and 4 represents ‘almost always’). The total for each of the ABL traits can be used to further develop and enhance your abilities and talents as a leader. Additional information on developing as an Agile BusinessLeadercan be found in our “The Agile Business Leader, Four Roles of Successful Leaders”. We hope you find this tool useful for you and your organization.

Barry Brewster & Dr. Eileen Dowse
